Oxybee Solutions expertise can help you in providing complete solutions for still water bodies as well as wastewater treatment problems by applying the tailor made solutions and minimizing the treatment cost through bio-augmentation. In addition OxybeeSolutions’s products also maintain drain lines from choking and deterioration due to corrosive gases.
Oxybee Solutions have identified, developed, and cultured the most diversified aerobic & facultative strains of microbes, which are certified non-pathogenic and environmentally friendly. Thesemulti-strained microbes can perform their task of digesting organic waste efficiently and quickly. Itcan produce the most natural and harmless end products [water and carbon dioxide (CO2)] even underthe variable conditions.
Major concerns areas in waste water treatment plants: | Areas which can be improved after treatment |
High Electricity Consumption | Energy Conservation (Electricity |
Excess Sludge Generation Sludge | Sludge Reduction |
High Maintenance & Machinery Cost | Reduction in Maintenance Cost |
Over Capacity or Under Capacity Utilization | Reduction in expansion requirements |
Pollution Control Compliance | Over 90% reduction in BOD, COD & TSS, etc. |
Bad Odor | Removal of Bad Odor |
We understand clearly the needs of our clients, we know what is to be done to achieve it, wethoroughly prepare ourselves to take the client's problems head-on, and then we deliver the requiredsolutions! We like to square each & every problem of yours, with an equally effective solution.
Our services chiefly include following spheres:
We have a vast experience of operating and maintaining various ETP & STP plants and providing seamless services as per the client’s expectation with a good technical backup.
In the industrial sector we are recognized for having well equipped infrastructure with experienced dedicated personnel to focus and interact on site to basis to provide solution, train the staff to analyse and troubleshoot without hampering the plant performance.
Our Engineers/ Administrative staff visit the site to review the situation from time to time for:
We have got wide appreciation from our widespread clients across the India due to our qualitative and cost effective repair & maintenance work as well as for our commitment for client satisfaction. he range of product we repair & maintain includes different types of electrical equipment, motor pumps, aerators, diffusers, all kind of panels customized according to the client, relay product, current transformers, voltage current transformer, solenoid magnets, pull solenoid, bridge rectifier, city operated relay, failure relay, pneumatic timer and time delay relay. The products provided & repaired by us .
We are widely appreciated for its efficient performance and reliability in respective applications. We have a well equipped workshop comprising requisite repair & maintenance as well as quality control facilities that help us in servicing our product range as per specified requirements of our clients across India.
We use fine grade electrical and electrical & mechanical components in repair & maintenance work.
The components used in repair are procured form certified and reliable vendors. This ultimately helps us in delivering qualitative equipment to our clients.
Some salient features of our repair & maintenance are: